Now that the warm summer weather is here, I find it difficult, maybe on more than one or two occasions, to focus on my work. I love the outdoors, so when the sun is out and the world comes alive after a long, cold winter, sometimes the last thing I feel like doing is sitting at my computer doing work. I imagine many people agree.
But the truth of the matter is, we all have to work. Sometimes, you may be truly burnt out and in need of a vacation, but other times, you may simply need some good old-fashioned Vitamin D before returning to your laptop. I understand there are many tasks waiting to be checked off our to-do lists that don’t involve fun in the sun, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Read on for three ways to stay focused and soak up some sunshine when it’s nice outside.
Change up your workspace
This may seem like a no-brainer, but you might be surprised how quickly you can get stuck in a rut when it comes to your workspace. While it may be easier to keep all your work-related items, like the laptop charger and your favorite pen, in one place, changing up where you work may just be the jolt of figurative caffeine you need to help you have a more creative and productive workday.
The next time the beautiful weather beckons you outside, why not take your laptop to a local cafe, or even simpler, a spot outside of your home? If you have a porch or patio space, you can sit outside so long as there’s a covering to block the glare on your computer screen. If your environment is conducive to work and you have internet access, you’re good to go.
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I’ve taken many walks, laptop in hand, to the coffee shop in my hometown where they open the windows in the springtime, and it’s worked wonders for my mental state. It’s incredible how something as simple as moving to a new location can revive my motivation to sit down and get my work done. I’m sure if you try this you’ll feel rejuvenated and ready to work for a few more productive hours, too.
Take a break
Sadly, snow days aren’t a thing when it’s 70 degrees and sunny. Wondering what you can do to overcome the antsy feeling of working on a gorgeous day? Make breaks your new best friend. This could be as simple as standing up from your desk and stretching, stepping outside the office for a few minutes, driving to a local park to eat your lunch, or, like me, getting a coffee when you hit that mid-afternoon slump. If you prioritize movement and outdoor time to soak up some sunshine, your mental well-being will thank you.
If you have a bit longer of a break, why not take a walk? Right up there with time with friends and a good laugh, going out for a walk can be the best medicine. Have a favorite podcast or a Spotify playlist you’ve been eager to listen to? Why not pop in your earbuds and go for a walk around your neighborhood? Wherever you go, the point is that you’re outside and doing something healthy. Like me, you’ll likely feel motivated to sit down and get to work once you’ve had some me-time outdoors.
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Plan something fun to look forward to
I find it easier to focus on my work in moments of distraction when I have something to look forward to. So why not try making plans to do something fun with friends and family over the weekend? Bonus points if it’s outside. That way, when you’re sitting at your computer wishing you weren’t, you know there will be a time and a place to have fun and enjoy the nice weather in the near future.
A Bible verse I’ve grown especially fond of recently in my life is from Ecclesiastes: “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens” (3:1). This verse reminds me that everything will happen in God’s timing, even something as simple as getting the chance to enjoy a beautiful day outside amidst a hectic schedule.
On a broader scale, excitement and hope are powerful emotions that can motivate us in our lowest moments. So when it comes to something seemingly small like wanting to soak up some sunshine instead of sitting behind a desk, make plans to look forward to, and notice how it changes your perspective.
As the sun shines longer throughout the day, there’s no better time than the present to implement these tips and hopefully get you feeling motivated in no time.