Get your hoodies ready for sweater weather and make sure to pick up a PSL or a cinnamon-scented candle: Fall is here, and it’s time to get cozy! Once you’ve equipped yourself with the necessary fall clothing, drinks, and scents, perhaps consider using the season of transition to make some changes in your life. Maybe try making a new resolution, trying a new fall activity, or finding a way to give back to your community. We can learn a lot from the trees as they transform from green to red, orange, and gold. Here are some things you can do to celebrate fall and celebrate change.
Plan Your Fall Budget in 4 Easy Steps
“Fall is absolutely my favorite season. The weather gets a little crisp, autumn baking (and pumpkin spice latte season) begins, holidays start rolling up, and everything feels homey. My summers are usually jam-packed with activities and adventures, while fall becomes my time of steady routine. It’s also a time when I like to reevaluate my budget, and make sure my spending and saving is in line with all of the season’s needs.” Read more.
Why I’m Making New Year’s Resolutions in Fall
“My track record for sticking to New Year’s resolutions is nothing short of an embarrassment. Fall, on the other hand, seems to be gently inviting me to make a change. As trees shed their old leaves and a fresh breeze starts to break up the long, muggy days, new possibilities start to emerge.” Read more.
What Fall Teaches Us About Letting Go
“As we see the trees let go of their leaves, fall can also be a time of personal reflection. We can take a lesson from nature on how to release and let go.” Read more.
Ways to Give Thanks and Give Back This Fall
“Fall presents us with a unique opportunity to give thanks. November, especially, is focused on gratitude and remembering the many things that we all too often take for granted in life. But what if instead of stopping at simply giving thanks, we use that gratitude as a springboard for giving back?” Read more.
Your Ultimate Fall Bucket List
“Every year in my 20s, my two best friends and I would go to a haunted forest on opening weekend and scare ourselves silly. A week before Halloween, I still get a pumpkin to carve, as I did when I was young. I love autumn traditions like these.” Read more.
Creative Ways to Celebrate Halloween
“As a kid, Halloween was one of the most exciting days of the year — between dressing up and pilfering candy from the neighbors, the day had a way of feeling absolutely magical. But now, in your 20s, the hype has likely settled… Dig yourself out of the Halloween rut (and debt!) by trying something new and exciting this year.” Read more.