On the Road To Wellness: How To Keep a Health Journal
When I was a kid, I received a small, dark blue diary with a tiny gold lock as a Christmas present. I wrote about my…
When I was a kid, I received a small, dark blue diary with a tiny gold lock as a Christmas present. I wrote about my…
As a child, I always had New Year’s Eve plans. My parents would go out, and my brother and I stayed overnight with my aunt.…
I’ve long been a fan of keeping a gratitude journal to help with my overall happiness, a practice I’ve kept up for the past eight…
My best friend passed away at the age of 21. Like many who have lost a loved one due to mental health issues, I couldn’t…
When I was in my 20s, I was fulfilled. I worked hard, and I was achieving many of my goals– even if slowly and painfully–so I wanted to understand why I was anxious so much of the time. I knew I felt disconnected from a spiritual practice, and I wanted to find a way to search for a connection that felt realistic to me.
Turning grief into anything other than what it is actually is—the painful process through which we unwillingly journey after losing someone we love—is mostly unfathomable.…
As an international student getting my master’s degree in Popular Music Studies in Liverpool this past year, I knew I needed to organize my time,…